Matt Welch on Why Legacy-Newspaper Reporters Get Their Own Industry Wrong


Most journalists are familiar with the arch observation, made famous by Winston Churchill, that history tends to be written "by the victors." Less known and more cheeky was Churchill's prediction (mostly accurate, it turned out) that "History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it."

To make even preliminary sense of the hotly disputed and remarkably fluid landscape of modern media, writes Matt Welch, it helps to recall Churchill's axioms about historiography, and recognize that something closer to the inverse is warping our basic view of journalism. It's the losers, not the winners, who are writing the early historical drafts of this transformational media moment, while those actually making that history—the people formerly known as the audience, in critic Jay Rosen's apt phrase—are treating their legacy interpreters not with kindness but contempt.