Science & Technology

Space Pork and Honeyfuggling


As I explained last week, when it comes to space, House Republicans like big government. Yesterday, the Institute for Liberty held a press conference on Capitol Hill yesterday to oppose the 2010 NASA Reauthorization Act, using a phrase I'm ashamed that I failed to think of on my own: Space pork.

"Pork is pork, as far as Americans are concerned," [said Institute for Liberty president Andrew] Langer.  "While people continue to be enthusiastic about the nation's space program, they want that money spent wisely, on concrete and measurable goals that will be historic.  But this bill, and the vision it endorses, go against all that.  We say, 'No Space Pork!' and will continue to fight hard to ensure that!"

Sadly, the space pork metaphor probably works too well. When it comes to federal jobs, Republicans talk a big game (especially when they are out of power), but they'll only cut the cash to massive legacy space operations when pigs fly.

The Onion's Joad Cressbeckler put it best. If you read between the lines, I'm pretty such he's backing the private space flight industry.

Joad Cressbeckler: NASA Honeyfuggling America With Nonsense Space Dreams

UPDATE: Post corrected to reflect the fact that the space pork blasters in question are the Institute for Liberty, not the Institute for Justice.