The War on Transvestitution


Steve Gower, who is not a police officer, just an "exceptionally active neighbor" working with his neighborhood association in Atlanta, describes the many joys of harrassing local prostitutes:

When he sees someone he suspects is a prostitute talking to a possible john, he pulls up behind them, hoping his truck – with its official-looking MPSA logo and flashing yellow roof light – will scare the john away. If that doesn't work, he'll turn on his portable klieg light.

"What's really fun is catching [the prostitute] getting in the car with a john," he says. "You flip on the light and most of the time the john dumps the prostitute. I'm hitting prostitutes in the pocketbook."

The majority of prostitutes in the MPSA's patrol zone now, he says, are transgendered– "transvestitutes," as Gower and Denby call them.

Courtney-Evans, a 55-year-old preoperative transsexual, says she had pepper spray in her hands because she was frightened of Gower, who had followed her in his truck repeatedly during the preceding weeks. Gower even followed her home one night. "Wouldn't you call that stalking?" Courtney-Evans asks.

It seems that policing the sexual behavior of your neighbors might come across as invasive.

Via Bound Not Gagged, which has Gower YouTube action.