


"We've probably had more time together in our time here than at any point in our marriage, and I've enjoyed that immensely. It's been wonderful for us." —President Clinton, discussing how living in the White House affected his marriage, on National Public Radio's Diane Rehm Show, May 11, 2000

"Before Chelsea left for college, she, Bill, and I made it a priority to share at least one meal together every day. That half-hour in the small kitchen of our private quarters of the White House was always my favorite part of the day." —Hillary Rodham Clinton, in Newsweek, May 8, 2000

"George Bush right now is hiding in a closet under a rug, terrified that Noriega will get out and blow him away. How can he be such a wussy?" —Frank Rubino, attorney for Manuel Noriega, commenting on the former president's opposition to paroling Panama's former dictator, quoted by In These Times, May 1, 2000