Loving Hayek and Partying with Milk: Q&A with Dorian Electra
"I think economics is cool, I think it's fun," declares musician and video director Dorian Electra. "I think other people should think that too."
Electra has been creating economics-themed music videos since her high school senior thesis spawned the YouTube hit I'm in Love with Friedrich Hayek. Her latest video, Fa$t Ca$h, seeks to explain the boom and busts created by the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing program.
Reason TV's Nick Gillespie caught up with Electra at the 2013 International Students for Liberty Conference to discuss her love of Austrian economists, how she discovered libertarianism, and her most recent music project, Party Milk.
About 5 minutes.
Shot by Amanda Winkler and Joshua Swain. Edited by Swain.
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