
Tonight on The Independents: Food Fight! Featuring Katherine Mangu-Ward, Baylen Linnekin, John Tierney, and More!


Friday night's theme episodes of The Independents (Fox Business Network, 9 p.m. ET, 6 p.m. PT, with re-airs three hours and five hours later) is all about what you can and can't put in your mouth, including but not limited to lamb testicles.

The show starts off with a list of all sorts of food various governments have tried to ban, with the help of beloved Managing Editor Katherine Mangu-Ward and New York Times science writer John Tierney as our guides to idiotic food-statism. Impish jack-of-all-assignments Michael Malice then comes on to tell us about historical food myths, from the Jonestown Massacre to your local Cap'n Crunch box. Hermine Ricketts and Tom Carroll, who alert Reason readers know as the Florida government whose tidy front-yard vegetable garden was outlawed by the local government, then come on to tell their story.

There's no such thing as a food show without eating weird stuff, right? Well, adventurous eater Katerina Vorotova brings out some crunchy insects, questionable mammal bits and unsanitary eggs for the co-hosts to try (or not). Then it's time to play a clip from and discuss this strangely soothing yet alarming Jim Epstein Reason TV video about supper clubs:

Beloved food-legalizer and Reason.com columnist Baylen Linnken then joins Kennedy for a physical and regulatory tour of New York City food trucks, and the show will close with a discussion of bizarro food facts. IT'S A GOOD TIME TO GET THE MUNCHIES, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

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