NSA Leaker Edward Snowden Has a Higher Approval Rating Than Congress
Polls conducted in the days since Glenn Greenwald and The Guardian pulled back the curtain on the NSA's surveillance program have found that a majority of Americans are fine with said program so long as it targets suspected terrorists, but are less fine with being targeted themselves; and that they're skeptical of the claim that leaking information about the NSA's spying program will jeopardize the government's ability to keep America safe.
But how do they feel about the act of leaking? "Fifty-four percent of respondents said the leaker, Edward Snowden, 29, did a 'good thing' in releasing information about the government programs," Zeke Miller writes of a new poll from TIME. "Just 30 percent disagreed."
That means more American approve of Snowden than approve of Congress. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Cali.) should keep that in mind as she calls for Snowden to be prosecuted.