Civil Liberties

SWAT Team Hits Wrong House in Search for Army Deserter

Since when does walking off the job rate a paramilitary response?


Eric Hill woke at 2:30 a.m. on Dec. 20 to his scared daughter telling him she had heard knocking near her closet.

Hill thought the 10-year-old was hearing things, but then came the banging on the front door of his Ogden home.

He went from his basement bedroom to the front door and asked who was there.

No answer.

Another bang.

Hill said he finally armed himself with a baseball bat and asked again who was there.

"Ogden Police," a voice called out from outside the home, located in the 1000 block of Harrop Street.

"At that point, I didn't believe it," Hill said. "It took them so long to respond to me."

(H/T sloopyinca)