"Making Pie" - And Making the Case for Free Enterprise.
The 2-minute vid above is called "Making Pie" and involves the talents of Reason TV producer Paul Detrick (in the bowtie and suspenders) and Reason TV alum Ted Balaker (whose wife and business partner Courtney Balaker directed the short).
"Making Pie" is a finalist in the American Enterprise Institute's 2012 video contest, which asked contestants to create a 120-second segment that illustrates how
- Free enterprise promotes earned success, which is the substance of lasting happiness.
- Free enterprise promotes real fairness, based on merit and hard work.
- Free enterprise does the most good for the most vulnerable by supplying both ample charity and unmatched opportunity.
The winner of the contest gets $40,000 and second and third-place finishers pull down $7,500 and $2,500 respectively. For more information and to watch all the finalist videos, go here.