"Illicit drug use is a form of domestic terrorism to some extent," Says Massachusetts Police Chief
In an interview with the Patch.com affiliate for Wilmington, Massachusetts, Wilmington Police Chief Michael Begonis claims that illicit drug use is a form of terrorism:
"Illicit drug use is a form of domestic terrorism to some extent," said Wilmington Police Chief Michael Begonis. "It is preying on folks who are more susceptible and who need a better life. And it's something that we need to deal with head on."
While the rest of the city officials interviewed in the story pay lip service to the decaying stereotype of drug user as victim, Begonis has clearly upped the ante.
Just for fun, here are three definitions of terrorism, courtesy of dictionary.com:
1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
3. a terroristic method of governing or of resisting agovernment.
None of those definitions applies to illict drug use, or even to most illicit drug sales. But the first half of the third definition could, in some situations, apply to the way people like Begonis--who is the control chief of a mutl-jurisdiction SWAT and Rapid Response Team--enforce America's drug laws.
But perhaps more evidence is needed. So let's play a little game called, Which Person Would Scare You More If You Saw Him/Her Standing Outside Your Window at 5 A.M.?
These people?
Or these people?
This lady?
Or these guys?
This dude?
Or these dudes?
For me, the guys with the machine guns and the legal authority to kill me in my own home inspire far more terror than illicit drugs or the people who use them.