
Pension Reform and Union Shenanigans in San Diego


"Carl DeMaio, the councilman who's the primary author of [the comprehensive pension reform ballot measure] could be the Howard Jarvis of the pension reform movement."

--Chris Reed, San Diego Union Tribune

On November 8, 2011, San Diego's Comprehensive Pension Reform ballot measure qualified for the June ballot. Like so many other cities around the country, San Diego is facing a fiscal crisis. Currently, the city's pension fund budget is facing an unfunded liability of over $2 billion. The Comprehensive Pension Reform ballot measure, if it passes in June, will switch new public employees to 401(k)-style plans, put an end to "pension spiking" and cap pensionable employee compensation for five years.

As mayoral candidate Carl DeMaio puts it, "all eyes are on San Diego" because San Diego could become a national model for pension reform.

The labor unions didn't sit back and watch the signature gathering process. Instead, they created a fake organization that took out ads warning people that their identities could be stolen if they sign a petition and sent burly men to initimidate people at signature gathering locations.

Approximately 6.5 minutes.

Produced by Paul Feine and Alex Manning. 

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