
Noise Complaint Leads to Police Shooting, Killing 17-Year-Old


Last Sunday night, police in Morganton, North Carolina shot and killed 17-year-old Michael Sipes. The officers were responding to a noise complaint called in by a neighbor in the mobile home park where Sipes lived. His mother says there were three children in the home on the night Sipes was killed, and were likely he source of the complaint.

According to Sipes' mother and others in the house, the police repeatedly knocked on the door to the home, but never identified themselves. They say both Sipes and his mother asked more than once who was outside. A neighbor who heard the gunshots also says he never heard the police identify themselves. Police officials say the officers did identify themselves.

According to those in the trailer at the time, as the knocks continued, Sipes retrieved a rifle, opened the door, and stepped outside. That's when Morganton Public Safety Officer Johnny David Cooper II shot Sipes in the stomach "four or five times."

More here and here. Profile of Sipes here. The story is still fresh, but at first blush he certainly doesn't seem like the kind of kid who would knowingly confront police officers with his rifle.