
New on Northwest: Complimentary Sleep Masks Now Mandatory


The rules imposed by the Transportation Security Administration after the attempted Christmas Day bombing of Northwest Flight 253—including the ban on blankets, bathroom trips, access to carry-on bags, and lap-borne personal possessions during the last hour of U.S.-bound flights—are now officially left to the pilot's discretion. But according to "an official at one American carrier" quoted by The New York Times, crews "usually do what is suggested." The story suggests that pilots will therefore continue to refrain from announcing landmarks, another TSA requirement/suggestion:

A pilot on another international carrier said that he and some of his colleagues thought the caution against pointing out landmarks made very little sense. "The passengers can look out the windows," he said.

Although the apparent rationale for the change (preventing terrorists from figuring out where they are) is pretty stupid, if the new practice meant fewer intrusions by inane announcements I would count it as one of the few good consequences of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab's self-immolation. But I suspect that new security-oriented announcements will more than make up for the difference.