I know you voted for John McCain, and after the election, I think either your first or second post you noted that the Muslim Brotherhood was pleased.
Well that was true.
There's not a part of you that cringes when you hear that post?
No, I think it's important for people to know these things. Because it's true that the Muslim Brotherhood was pleased when Obama was elected. But I don't think they're quite as pleased now. He's pretty much kept a lot of the foreign policies of the Bush administration intact.
How do you think Obama's doing so far?
I've actually changed my mind quite a bit about Barack Obama. You know how things are during an election, everybody gets hyper-partisan, and I guess I was guilty of that as much as anyone. But I've seen him be a lot more centrist than I ever expected during the election, based on his background, and the people that he got his political start with, you know, Bill Ayeres [sic], Reverend Wright. If I had to go back, knowing what I do now, I probably would have voted for him.
Also, I've become extremely negative toward Sarah Palin.
Didn't you feel that way in the beginning?
I was skeptical of her, but I was ready to defend her, because it was hyper-partisan time.