
Are the Dems All About Abortion When It Comes to The High Court?


Columnist Ron Hart writes:

While they try to mask it in coded language that's only understood, like a dog whistle, by the likes of James Carville and Wolf Blitzer, the Democrats are all about abortion. It is hard for them to lead with a slogan like "Democrats: We like abortions and it shows," but it is implied. They would also like to tell you that they are selfless in this endeavor since a vast majority of abortions are sought by the undereducated, urban poor—or better said, the future Democratic voter base. On the other side of the irony coin, the GOP hates having to pay taxes for the underclass Democrat base and say they are about freedom, yet they fight pro-choice issues to their detriment.

When it comes to Supreme Court politics, is abortion the be-all and end-all for Democratic nominees? The cover charge that gets you in the door? Does it work the other way in reverse: Do Rep noms need to be pro-life, or at least vague on the topic (at least during the nomination period)?

Whole column here.

Demographic info on who gets abortions from Alan Guttmacher Institute here.