
Re-Education Residence Halls at the University of Delaware


The folks at the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) have put together an interesting and infuriating video about the University of Delaware's bizarre residence-life program. From the group's description of the situation:

In 2007, the University of Delaware's Office of Residence Life used mandatory activities to coerce students to change their thoughts, values, attitudes, beliefs, and habits to conform to a highly specified social, environmental, and political agenda. Following FIRE's campaign, which called the attention of the national media and the blogosphere to the Orwellian program, university President Patrick Harker terminated the program, effective immediately. This video explains the program's invasive thought-reform activities, the horrified reactions of students and the press, and FIRE's response.

Click above to watch the vid (about 15 minutes) and click here to visit FIRE's homepage.