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Volokh Conspiracy

2017 Originalism Works in Progress Conference roster

|The Volokh Conspiracy |

The University of San Diego's Center for the Study of Constitutional Originalism has just announced its complete list of papers and commentators for the Eighth Annual Hugh and Hazel Darling Foundation Originalism Works-in-Progress Conference scheduled for February 17-18, 2017. This has become the premiere event for originalism theory with participation by the most active originalists and thoughtful critics of originalism. So I am very pleased that Evan Bernick and my paper, The Letter and the Spirit: A Theory of Good Faith Constitutional Construction, was accepted for presentation. Although I have attended all the previous conferences and been a commentator at several, this is the first time one of my papers has been accepted for presentation. John McGinnis of Northwestern is the ideal commentator on our paper, which touches upon and is somewhat critical of his recent article on The Duty of Clarity. I am particularly honored to be included in what is an all-star line up of authors and commentators:

1. Randy Barnett (Georgetown) & Evan Bernick (Institute for Justice), The Letter and the Spirit: A Theory of Good Faith Constitutional Construction.

Commentator: John McGinnis (Northwestern)

2. Will Baude (Chicago), Constitutional Liquidation

Commentator: Bernadette Meyler (Stanford)

3. Mitch Berman (Penn), Our Principled Constitution

Commentator: Stephen Sachs (Duke)

4. Jud Campbell (Richmond), Natural Rights And The First Amendment

Commentator: Fred Schauer (Virginia)

5. James Fox (Stetson), Black Originalism: Constitutional Citizenship, Constitutional Rights, and the Second Founding

Commentator: Ryan Williams (BC)

6. Michael McConnell (Stanford), The Structure of Article Two

Commentator: Saikrishna Prakash (Virginia)

8. Ilya Somin (George Mason), The Original Scope of Federal and State Power over Immigration

Commentator: Richard Primus (Michigan)