Remy: Trump vs. Harris Debate Song (I Don't Care Parody)
Remy fails to fit in at the presidential debate.
Civil liberties take a back seat on the big stage.
Parody of Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber's "I Don't Care" written by Remy; performed by Remy; mastering and background vocals by Ben Karlstrom.
I'm at a party I don't wanna be at
And I don't even wear a suit and tie, yeah
Like a goose in Springfield, Ohio
Being here is not great for my neck
Shall we announce it today?
We are all against the surveillance state? Oh yeah?
Don't think I fit in at this party…
Everyone's listing all their fears
Things have gotten worse in many ways
Who's been in charge the last eight years?
Don't you both care?
That we're hopelessly in debt?
About this surprise prostate check?
As they fight, we're losing our rights
Maybe it's not so bad
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh—
Can you stop? Sorry
Don't think I fit in at this party
Who'll end the tax on property?
Full stop, period, semi-colon!
It's actually a full colon
I said stop