Review: Gran Turismo 7
The video game serves as a fun reminder that free trade, not protectionism, makes us all better off.

One of the Trump administration's many bad ideas that has persisted into the Biden years is its support for trade protectionism. Americans should supposedly spend their American dollars on American car brands to support American jobs. The release of Gran Turismo 7 in March served as a reminder of how much that philosophy hurts American consumers.
At launch, the racing game (from a Japanese developer) contains 424 vehicles made by 62 manufacturers from eight countries, as well as 34 track circuits from 13 countries and five continents; even more may be added in later game updates. Racers from all over the world can compete online. The grand tour of tracks, cars, and players from across the globe is the game's greatest strength.
If American players had access only to the fraction of American players, 62 American cars, and nine American tracks in the game, they'd be in for a much less fun (and much slower) experience. It's not protectionism that makes us all better off—it's competition.