College Grad Looking For a Job? The NSA Wants YOU!
National Security Agency is recruiting college students to work at its controversial Utah Data Center.
If you want an indication as to how the surveillance state is growing, take a look at college recruitment by the National Security Agency (NSA). The agency routinely recruits students with internships and scholarships around the United States but now the NSA is looking for employees in the backyard of its controversial Utah Data Center. From KUTV:
Utah Valley University is working with the National Security Agency to help supply new employees for the agency's massive date collection center in Utah County.
UVU has developed a new masters program in cyber security and is working to get special accreditation from the spy agency, in an effort to produce more potential employees for the massive center. A member of the NSA is also on the university's cyber security advising committee.
While little is known about the center and its capacity, privacy advocates warn about the strange bedfellows relationships between academic institutions and spy agencies.
At a public speaking event in Utah in 2015, journalist Glenn Greenwald warned "Educational institutions become nothing more than a training ground for government and military institutions, and that's dangerous for all kinds of reasons. It sort of diverts the central value of academic institutions."
For more on the Utah Data Center watch, "The NSA Wouldn't Let Us in This Building (But We Found Out What's Inside)"