DC Prepares for Epic Snowball Fight
Let's hope the police don't bring out their guns this time.
After experiencing a fairly mild winter season so far, East Coasters have finally ushered in the cold weather with the arrival of Winter Storm Jonas. Washington D.C. was in the eye of the storm and received two feet of snow along with nasty winds, causing much of the nation's capital to shut down. However, not all D.C. residents are planning to hunker down indoors for the entire weekend; some are prepared to brave the elements to attend a massive snowball fight held in DuPont Circle on Sunday.
Hopefully this year won't see a repeat of the DC snowball fight in 2009, when a police officer -- upset at being hit by a snowball -- pulled his gun on the snow-pelting crowd. Reason TV's Dan Hayes was on the scene, capturing the tense confrontation between police and citizens who chanted "Don't bring a gun to a snowball fight!"