Police Abuse

Fleeing from Deputies Lands Southern California Man Vicious Beatdown Caught on Camera

After surrendering, he's punched 37 times and kicked 17 times.


Ain't that many, many kicks to the head?

Apparently deputies in San Bernardino County don't like having to pursue a man who initiated a car chase, then stole a horse to flee from their identity theft investigation. So after they finally caught the guy, and the guy surrendered, they apparently beat the living crap out of him. It was all caught on film by the Los Angeles NBC affiliate's news helicopter. The station both exposed the behavior and also counted out how much violence was dealt out to the guy, Francis Jared Pusok, 30, of Apple Valley:

In the two minutes after the man was stunned with a Taser, it appeared deputies kicked him 17 times, punched him 37 times and struck him with batons four times. Thirteen blows appeared to be to the head. The horse stood idly nearby.

The man did not appear to move from his position lying on the ground for more than 45 minutes. He did not appear to receive medical attention while deputies stood around him during that time.

"Obviously, it's disturbing," responded San Bernardino County Sheriff John McMahon. He said he'll be launching an internal investigation.

Watch NBC's report below. On their web page with their report, they also have the raw footage of the arrest and beating posted: