
Tonight on The Independents: Ferguson, ISIS, Rand Paul's Declaration of War, Black Friday, Our Latest Enemy of Freedom, and #LetTheTurkeyCool


Did you catch some of the Ferguson talk on last night's Independents? Here's a sampling:

On tonight's show (Fox Business Network, 9 p.m. ET, 6 p.m. PT, repeats three hours later) we'll pick up the story with a Party Panel of "Progressive Messaging Expert and all around good guy" Richard Fowler, who was on the ground in Ferguson the last few days, and Fox News correspondent Dagen McDowell. The discussion will cover, among other aspects, the exquisitely awful arguments that have arisen this week about rioting, looting, and so forth. Later in the show, the duo will discuss Democratic disaffection with Obamacare, and the eternal search for the best Thanksgiving survival tips.

Speaking of the holidays, Fox Business anchor Melissa Francis will break down the import and minimum-wage politics of Black Friday. Also, Kennedy will be making her final Quixotic push to "Let the Turkey Cool" before putting up the damned Christmas decorations….Speaking of which, please "enjoy" the following video, which is obviously TOO HOT FOR TELEVISION, and was allegedly produced by Anthony L. Fisher:

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has raised some libertarian eyebrows with his draft declaration of war against ISIS; we'll discuss the pros and cons. Speaking of ISIS, what's up with that? The Interpreter's Michael Weiss will update. And the co-hosts will declare their new Enemy of Freedom.

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