
Greenwald's New Media Venture Launches

"The Intercept" premieres, publishing stories based on Edward Snowden's intelligence files


First Look Media, the journalistic collaboration between eBay founder Pierre Omidyar and former Guardian reporter Glenn Greenwald, launched The Intercept Monday, a site that will publish stories based on intelligence documents leaked by Edward Snowden.

"We decided to launch now because we believe we have a vital and urgent obligation to this story, to these documents, and to the public," wrote Greenwald and his colleagues, Laura Poitras and Jeremy Scahill, on Monday morning. "We are determined to move forward with what we believe is essential reporting in the public interest."

In October last year, Omidyar announced that he will fund $250 million to create First Look Media and launch several news sites that will pursue independent journalism under Greenwald's editorial leadership.