War on Drugs

Jacob Sullum on Federal (Dis)Respect for State Marijuana Laws at Forbes


Smoking a joint

Last week, writes Reason's Jacob Sullum, nearly 10 months after voters in Colorado and Washington decided to legalize marijuana, the U.S. Justice Department finally responded. Its announcement, which took the form of a memo to U.S. attorneys from Deputy Attorney General James Cole, promised neither acceptance nor confrontation, saying only that the Justice Department probably has better things to do than prosecute newly legal marijuana growers and sellers, provided state regulation is strict enough to allay federal concerns.

This conditional forbearance was widely interpreted as a "green light" for legalization. But anyone familiar with the Obama administration's inconsistent, disingenuous approach to medical marijuana has to wonder whether the Cole memo truly signals a newfound respect for state policy choices.

Read the rest of "There Are Reasons To Doubt The Feds' Newfound Respect For State Marijuana Laws" at Forbes.