
Opinion: Jeff Bezos Commits the "Crime" of Being a Libertarian Buying a Newspaper

No room for diversity of opinion in the media industry


Jeff Bezos has some explaining to do – or at least that's the gist of an op-ed by Fortune magazine editor Allan Sloan. Bezos' crime? Wanting to invest some of his vast fortune into the struggling newspaper industry while simultaneously daring to hold free-market beliefs.

Yes, that's right, Bezos is guilty of the thoughtcrime of quietly subscribing to libertarianism.

Given the third-degree interrogation to which Sloan thinks Bezos deserves to be subjected, one might think Bezos has been an outspoken advocate of his views. Not so! In the topsy-turvy world Sloan apparently resides in, it's much more suspicious that Bezos is so reserved about his politics.