Protests in Egypt Continue as Deadline for Ultimatum Imposed on Morsi By Army Passes
Tensions between the Egyptian army and President Morsi continue today amid mass protests. Both Morsi and the head of the army pledged their lives to their cause earlier today as the deadline imposed on Morsi by the army loomed. That deadline has passed.
From Reuters:
(Reuters) - Egypt's army commander and Islamist President Mohamed Mursi each pledged his life to defy the other as a deadline approached on Wednesday that will trigger a military takeover backed by protesters.
The military chiefs, wanting to restore order in a country racked by protests over Mursi's Islamist policies, issued a call to battle in a statement headlined "The Final Hours". They said they were willing to shed blood against "terrorists and fools" after Mursi refused to give up his elected office.
The situation in Egypt prompted Obama to call three of the major players involved in the crisis, perhaps hoping to use the billions Egypt receives every year from the U.S. as leverage. Unsurprisingly, many of the demonstrators in Cairo are not Obama fans, given his policy towards Morsi.
It has recently been reported that military officers have occupied the newsroom in Egypt's state TV building and that Morsi has offered a consensus government.
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