
Kid Suspended for Pop-Tart Pistol Is Given Lifetime NRA Membership


Original art by KMW

Remember Josh Welch, the kid who nibbled his breakfast into the shape of a gun and got suspended for two days from his elementary school in March?

In addition to his suspension, the school sent a letter to local parents offering counseling for any kid "troubled" by the traumatic incident. 

On Wednesday, Josh got a surprise from a local Republican group, which sprung for a lifetime National Rifle Association membership for the beleaguered boy. 

The Baltimore Sun reports

Josh, who was 7 at time he was suspended for two days, gave the NRA certificate to his parents at the Glen Burnie event and returned to playing games on a cellphone.

"Everyone keeps asking me why I did it," Josh said. "I don't know why I did it. … I wish people would stop asking me about it. It'll probably go on for 45 years or something."

But the reluctant hero has another freebie coming

Anne Arundel County Councilman Jamie Benoit announced he will fund another membership for Welch: the American Civil Liberties Union. Benoit says he wants the boy to have a chance at another point of view.

What Josh's parents would really like is for his suspension to be removed from his school record.

But it's obvious that what the kid really needs is a lifetime supply of Pop-Tarts. Are you listening Kellogg?