Covered at Reason 24/7: Bill Would Require CO Cops To Learn To Deal With Dogs
Police officers have a long and troubled history with our canine friends. You might even say they have a pavlovian inclination upon hearing a bark or yip to shoot first and offer treats later. That's why there's been growing agitation for law-enforcement agencies to reassess their dog encounter policies. Colorado, at least, may soon require police to undergo training in what to do when meeting a pooch, followed by annual refereshers.
From The DenverChannel:
CENNTENIAL, Colo. - Next week, two State Senators will introduce a bill requiring all law enforcement to take dog encounter training. The bill is sponsored by Senators Lucia Guzman, a Denver Democrat, and David Balmer, a Centennial Republican.
"Shipping companies, delivery companies, landscaping companies, they deal with dogs all the time and they don't shoot dogs," said Senator Balmer.
The bill would require law enforcement to take a two-hour initial class as well as an hour long refresher course every year. The courses would be given by a vet or may be viewed online.
The legislation comes after a series of shootings involving dogs that caused public outcry. In November of last year, Commerce City Police shot and killed Chloe, a pit-bull mix outside her home. Video showed police tase the dog then shoot her five times while she was on a catch-pole.
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