
TX Runs Ads in CA Inviting Businesses To Relocate

It's a good time to move


Texas Governor Rick Perry has three words of advice for California businesses: Move to Texas.

Perry has launched a high-profile battle for California companies, running radio ads in California touting the Lone Star State's low taxes and favorable business climate. The ads will be heard in San Francisco, Sacramento, Los Angeles, San Diego and the Inland Empire area east of Los Angeles.

"Building a business is tough, but I hear building a business in California is next to impossible. This is Texas Gov. Rick Perry, and I have a message for California businesses: Come check out Texas," starts the 30-second spot.

Perry notes that his state has won the Best State for Business title from Chief Executive magazine for eight years running. He noted that the cost of doing business in California is 6.3% above the national average and Texas' is 4.6% below it.