War on Drugs

Religious Leaders Battle Over CO Pot Proposition

Hey, man, it's a sacrament


As we've been reporting, the proponents and opponents of Amendment 64, the Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol Act, have been engaging in PR-generating endorsement wars. Now, in the wake of separate groups of doctors either championing or decrying the measure, religious leaders representing each campaign are sharing their feelings, pro and con -- including the Reverend Leon Emerson, seen here. Are these battles slowing the momentum of the initiative? No, insists one of the main figures behind Amendment 64, despite a recent poll showing support dipping below 50 percent.

At 10:30 a.m. Smart Colorado, the No on 64 campaign, staged an event at Agape Christian Church in Five Points. The main speaker was Emerson, the leader of New Faith Christian Church and CEO of the Colorado Council for Urban Youth Development, with support from Reverend Ray Chavez of New Hope Ministries, and Butch Montoya, a former Denver Manager of Safety and ex-9News executive who now serves as the director of H.S. Power & Light Ministries and the Latino Faith Initiative.