War on Drugs

Latest Tour Bus Drug Bust in Texas: Nelly

Musicians, stay away from Sierra Blanca


Musicians, time for some real talk. We do not advocate for any illicit narcotic use here at Pop & Hiss, but if you know you're riding dirty in your tour bus, route your travels far away from Sierra Blanca, Texas.

Following in the company of Fiona Apple, Snoop Dogg and Willie Nelson, the pop-rapper Nelly is the latest artist whose crew had a drug-based run-in with cops in the small Texas town, which is quickly becoming known as America's capital for tour inconveniences.

The MC himself was not arrested, but his staffer Brian Keith Jones claimed responsibiity for a haul including marijuana, 36 baggies of heroin and a loaded pistol. Jones was booked into the Hudspeth County Jail on Thursday night, although some accounts differ about what drugs were found on the bus - TMZ claims sources "close to Nelly" saying the heroin was actually MDMA.