
Ron Paul: On the Attack and Being Attacked


Ron Paul has shifted from last campaign as the guy with a reputation for idea-based politics that didn't descend to personal attacks on opponents, to the guy seen as most aggressive in direct attacks on his fellow candidates.

Paul was challenged about this point at last night's debate. Below, his latest take on why all three of his quasi-viable fellow contestants are no good, serial hypocrites, fake conservatives, and flip-floppers. Three men with one vision for more big government, with Paul the only one ready for real change:

*Libby Copeland writing in the women's section of Slate wonders why young men seem to dig Ron Paul so much. Without actually addressing whether his ideas make moral or political or practical sense, she concludes that young men like Paul's ideas because they are black and white and simplistic and make the young men feel smart.

*Associated Press slams Paul for flying first-class a lot on his congressional budget, and gets very in the weeds on the amounts involved. It fails to get similarly in the weeds on the amounts he returns to the Treasury unspent from his office budget, though it mentions that "he says he regularly returns money from his congressional account to the treasury." (It was $141,580 last year.)

*The Hill fingers Paul as Santorum's biggest stumbling block in South Carolina.

*Current Texas polling from Public Policy Polling has native son Ron Paul in last place in the field at 12 percent, though rising significantly from 7 percent since fall.

*Folks on a Facebook "Stop Ron Paul" page skylark about plans to dress in KKK robes and appear at Paul events as ostensible supporters.

*Paul's four-day take since Saturday in a South Carolina-centric rolling "moneybomb" up to $1.5 million.

The Debate Tape of Only Ron Paul:

My forthcoming book, Ron Paul's Revolution.