
Soggy Like Sunday Morning Pizza: Ron Hart on GOP Presidential Candidates


Columnist Ron Hart gives his rundown on the folks who make it into the GOP presidential debates:

The godfather of Godfather's Pizza might be like that first slice of pizza when it is served piping fresh. However, he runs the risk of being like Rick Perry: Those later slices are soggy and cold, and you tire of them quickly. You could ask the waiter to put them in a box to take home, but deep down you know you probably won't want them later.

Rick Perry has been so beaten up by his debate performances that even going back to Texas and executing three folks didn't cheer him up.

Rick Santorum and Michele Bachmann are starting to waste our time. We are not looking for a Bible school teacher, but rather a minimal-government executive who will get the size and scope of government under control instead of codifying the Bible into law. Bachmann is Sarah Palin without the marksmanship. I think her campaign should be fined if she mentions all her foster children one more time. I don't want to see her birth certificate, but I would like to run a background check on her college degree.

Jon Huntsman and Mitt Romney look like the men in the Viagra commercials. However, each has some serious negatives to overcome.  Jon Huntsman worked for the current administration as U.S. ambassador to China, and Romney implemented Massachusetts' infamous health care law, on which the despised Obamacare was supposedly based.

Which leaves us with the smartest folks in the race, Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich. In this shallow, TV sound bite race, the non-telegenic Paul and Gingrich do not stand a chance. I will vote for Ron Paul because he is the only intellectually honest one and also happens to be right on 99 percent of the issues. Sadly, there is no place for such a candidate in today's politics.

Whole thing here.