War on Drugs

Cop Who Shot Seven-Year-Old Detroit Girl Charged With Involuntary Manslaughter


In May 2010, seven-year-old Aiyana Stanley-Jones of Detroit was shot and killed by a member of a SWAT team that was searching for a murder suspect (who was found in the downstairs apartment.)

The story was followed by Reason's then Senior Editor Radley Balko, who raised excellent questions about the cops' decisions, the use of flashbang stun grenades, and the influence of cameras in the raid. 

Now, the Detroit Free Press reports:

Detroit Police Officer Joseph Weekley has been arraigned on charges of involuntary manslaughter and careless and reckless discharge of a firearm causing death….

Also charged is Allison Howard, a 42-year-old Boston woman, who is being charged with perjury investigative subpoena and obstruction of justice. She was a videographer on "The First 48," which had a television crew following the Special Response Team the night of the raid.

The rest, including lingering question about the raid, here. And the Associated Press and USA Today report on the arraignment. 

Reason on the militarization of police, including Balko on the dangers of supposedly non-lethal flashbang grenades.