
Breitbart Confidential: His First Concert, His Baseball Obsession, His Elvis-Like Moment, & More


Lisa De Pasquale, the event organizer of CPAC and columnist for Human Events, interviews new media mogul Andrew Breitbart in her regular De Pasquale's Dozen feature. Among the Steve Garvey obsessive's answers:

3.  In A Clockwork Orange, Malcolm McDowell is strapped in with his eyes propped open and forced to watch images until he is "cured" of his "ultra-violence."  If you could give President Obama, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid the "Clockwork Orange treatment," what movie would you make them watch?

The Lives of Others….

8.  Tell me about a public or private moment when you thought to yourself, "This is what Elvis felt like every day."

Inadvertently, I'll find myself with a posse following me to the stage at the larger Tea Parties.  So I kinda feel like Elvis—without the burden of having sex appeal and any artistic talent.

Speaking at the first National Tea Party Convention in Nashville in winter 2010.  That was the speech where I got the packed room to turn around and stare down the row of media in the back of the room, and I said, "It's not your business model that sucks, it's you that sucks!"  It brought down the house, and I realized then and there the power of an effective speech using a formula of humor and righteous indignation. 

9.  What are you two favorite non-news websites?

Rotoworld—National League only—rotisserie baseball status update page….

12.  Tell me about the moment you decided to enter the political arena.

I took a job to help build Arianna Huffington's website back in 1997—back when she was a conservative.  The first day of my new job she bait-and-switched me.  I was now her "researcher."  Oh well, I thought, I'd give it a shot.  Within two weeks Arianna got No. 1 Clinton donor Larry Lawrence dug up from Arlington National Cemetery for faking a war hero record.  The CNN aerial footage of the event was magnificent, especially watching as the media establishment, Judy Woodruff, Maureen Dowd, et al, naturally defended the fraudster until they could defend him no longer.  I decided then and there I wanted to be in the business of disinterring political phonies and shoving it into the mainstream media's face.

Whole bit here.

De Pasquale interviewed me here in the same series last fall. Sample answer:

11. What books were on your summer reading list?

GILLESPIE: I spent a chunk of time reading Steig Larsson's trilogy—you know, Girl With Mike Tyson Tattoo, Girl With Urinary Tract Infection, and Girl Who Eats Breakfast at Anne Frank's International House of Pancakes. I enjoyed them immensely because they were about a political magazine editor who had enormous amounts of random sex while fighting off serial killers and eating like 5,000 sandwiches. Which apart from the sex and the serial killers, pretty much is totally right on when it comes to describing my experiences. Steig Larsson gets it, though I'm afraid that he's written himself out.

Breitbart in Reason: On being "Matt Drudge's bitch" (his term); with Greg Gutfeld on Reason.tv talking about not being hired by Reason.

Reason.tv's first-day report from CPAC: