Reason On TV: Tim Cavanaugh Talks Govt. Xmas Gift-Getting on Varney
Reason senior editor Tim Cavanaugh will appear on Fox Business' Varney & Co. to discuss new efforts to grab more largesse for government employees in the bankrupt state of California.
At issue: From San Francisco -- where unions are trying to stop the insolvent Municipal Transportation Agency from holding onto year-end payouts from a trust fund for transit operators -- to Los Angeles -- where Assemblyman Gil Cedillo is suing to get back money he says he's owed from a 2009 pay freeze -- the Golden State's public sector still seems to have no idea we're in a recession. Meanwhile, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's attempt to sell off some unused state buildings is getting challenges from all sides.
Does anybody realize that we are out of money?
Time: 7:30am Pacific time, 10:30am eastern.
Place: Fox Business Channel.