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In today's Morning Links, Jesse Walker flagged what he called "the most pathetic attempt you'll see today to tie the Tea Parties to racism." While I am largely ignorant in the comparative qualities of public opinion polling, I do read the sports page every day, and I daresay this snippet of a weekend New York Times timeline of quarterback Donovan McNabb's career may give the Multi-State Survey of Race and Politics a run for its money:

April 17, 1999
Eagles Draft McNabb
A horde of Eagles fans known as The Dirty 30 boo and act obnoxiously when the pick is announced. Future historians will confuse this with the start of the Tea Party movement.

Get it? Because Donovan McNabb is black.

In other Tea Party racism news, the Washington Post ombudsman has looked into the alleged (and heavily disputed) N-word outburst on Capitol Hill on the eve of the health care vote, and concluded that "it's worth assigning Post reporters to find the truth."