
Even Obama Supporters Get the Health-Care Reform Blues


Via Drudge comes this Salon col from Camille Paglia, an avowed Obama-ite:

Who is naive enough to believe that Obama's plan would be deficit-neutral? Or that major cuts could be achieved without drastic rationing?…

An example of the provincial amateurism of current White House operations was the way the president's innocuous back-to-school pep talk got sandbagged by imbecilic support materials soliciting students to write fantasy letters to "help" the president (a coercive directive quickly withdrawn under pressure). Even worse, the entire project was stupidly scheduled to conflict with the busy opening days of class this week, when harried teachers already have their hands full. Comically, some major school districts, including New York City, were not even open yet. And this is the gang who wants to revamp national healthcare?

Elsewhere in the col, Paglia argues to "get the hell out" of Afghanistan and endorses Fleetwood Mac. Whole thing here.

Reminder that Matt Welch and I helped get the whole "Obama is losing it" meme rolling back in the pages of the Wash Post in July. Read "What's Next, Mr. President—cardigans? The real reasons why Barack Obama's domestic agenda is faltering."

And read Virginia Postrel's great Reason interview with Camille Paglia from 1995.