

Trey Garrison, Adrian Moore, and Charles Hayes


D magazine's Trey Garrison has lived in Dallas for more than a decade, so he's no stranger to cowboys. But the folks he met while reporting "Not One More Acre!" (page 38), the story of a land grab by the U.S. Army in southwestern Colorado, still made an impression. "I love their attitude," says Garrison, 39. "I love the respect they have for each other and each other's property. When they were taking me out around, they had no trouble when we had to cross over some government land to get to our destination but twice took the long way around to avoid setting foot or tire on a neighbor's land."

Adrian Moore is the vice president of research at the Reason Foundation, the nonprofit that publishes reason. He is also a congressional appointee to the National Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commission and the author, with his Reason Foundation colleague Sam Staley, of Mobility First: A New Vision for Transportation in a Globally Competitive Twenty-First Century (Rowman & Littlefield). In "A Better New New Deal" (page 20), Moore and Staley offer President Barack Obama some advice he formulates the biggest infrastructure plan in at least 50 years. Moore telecommutes from a small farm in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, but says "I moved here from L.A., so I know all about friggin' traffic."

Charles Hayes is the author of Tripping: An Anthology of True-Life Psychedelic Adventures (Penguin). In "Can Christiania Survive?" (page 46), he chronicles the clash between old hippies and new politicians in one of Europe's largest squatter enclaves, the Freetown of Christiania in Copenhagen, Denmark. After sojourns in Manhattan and Bangkok, Hayes now lives in Westchester County, New York, with his Danish wife and two kids. "They pester me all the time about my book, and I say, 'We'll discuss that when you're 15 and a half,' " he says. "Fifteen was an amazing, mind-blowing year for me. It was 1971, with LSD and everything, and I read Aldous Huxley's The Doors of Perception."