
Apres Le (La?) Stimulus, More Americans Would Still Prefer to Be Governed by Random People Pulled From the Phone Book Than Congress


Rasmussen Reports is great reading. Its latest survey asked 1,000 likely voters whether they could do a better job than Congress in righting the economy. Americans are known for over-confidence, but I think what Mencken called The Great Boob Public is right on in this case:

67% Say They Could Do A Better Job On The Economy Than Congress

Forty-four percent (44%) voters also think a group of people selected at random from the phone book would do a better job addressing the nation's problems than the current Congress, but 37% disagree. Twenty percent (20%) are undecided.

The new Congress fares worse on this question that the previous Congress. Last October, just 33% said a randomly selected group of Americans would do a better job than the Congress then in session….

Since they no longer control either the Senate or the House, it's no surprise that a majority of Republicans (51%) say a group of people picked at random from the phone book would do a better job than the current Congress. But even more unaffiliated voters (56%) agree.

Democrats take the opposite view--49% of those in Nancy Pelosi's party say Congress today is better than a random group from the phone book. Just 28% disagree.

I am genuinely curious and concerned about the 33 percent who don't think they could do better than Congress on the economy.

And I think it is a sign of growing sanity that only 49 percent of Democrats "say Congress today is better than a random group from the phone book." That's like running for office and carrying less than of your family's vote.

Now all we need is a representative government and we'd be all set!

More here.