The Reason Foundation, the nonprofit that publishes this website and magazine, came out today with its 22nd Annual Privatization Report, the most comprehensive report on privatization developments you'll find anywhere. From our press release:
"Democratic Gov. Ed Rendell recently accepted a $12.8 billion bid to lease the Pennsylvania Turnpike, in what would be the biggest toll road privatization deal in U.S. history," said Leonard Gilroy, director of government reform at Reason Foundation and author of the report. "Florida has undertaken over 150 outsourcing initiatives since 2005. Leaders of all political stripes recognize privatization is a proven policy tool that can help save money and balance budgets."
The Reason Foundation report singles out Chicago as a hotbed of local privatization under Democratic Mayor Richard Daley. Chicago leased the Skyway-a 7.8 mile toll road-for $1.8 billion in 2005 and four downtown parking garages for $563 million in 2006. Now Chicago is soliciting private sector bids for Midway Airport, its downtown parking meter system, and some recycling facilities.
You can read more about the report, and download the whole shebang, here.