
Libertarian Party to Paul: Come Back!


The LP stated the obvious with a resolution passed (unanimously) this weekend: Ron Paul is the most successful Libertarian candidate ever and the party wants him to run on their ticket.

WHEREAS, the Libertarian Party and Congressman Ron Paul share many common principles for liberty and prosperity in America, and

WHEREAS, Congressman Ron Paul is a member of the Libertarian Party in good standing, and

WHEREAS, Congressman Ron Paul was previously nominated by the delegates of the Libertarian National Convention to serve as the Libertarian Party's 1988 presidential candidate, and

WHEREAS, Congressman Ron Paul, through the efforts of his current presidential campaign, has ignited a renewed passion for liberty across America, and …

WHEREAS, the Libertarian Party and its members have remained respectful, and in many cases, supportive of Congressman Ron Paul's campaign seeking the Republican presidential nomination…

NOW THEREFORE, in the event that Republican primary voters select a candidate other than Congressman Paul in February of 2008, the Libertarian National Committee urges Congressman Ron Paul to seek the presidential nomination of the Libertarian Party to be decided in Denver, Colorado during Memorial Day weekend of 2008.

Via Steve Gordon. I don't think the speculation about a third-party Paul run is going to end any time soon, no matter what he does to douse the flames. (It also confirms that the LP is ready to junk its current field at a moment's notice. It sucks to be Wayne Allyn Root/George Philles/Steve Kubby.