
Tap It: NSA Slow Jam (featuring Remy)


Dissatisfied with President Obama's NSA speech on Friday? Cleanse your palate with "Tap It: NSA Slow Jam," performed by Remy and produced by Meredith Bragg. About 3 minutes. Original release date was June 14, 2013 and original writeup is below.


You see me rolling around in a black Mercedes
cruising around town and it's packed with ladies
Gotta keep it going yeah I'm roaming the map
No I never stop until I find something to tap

Awww yeah…

Nokia, iPhone, Galaxy 3
Facebook and your search history
Gmail, voicemail, I'm gonna grab it
if it's got an on/off switch, baby, I'll tap it

I'm making a list, checking it twice
it doesn't matter the message or even kind of device
Every pic your daughter sends?  We've got it ingrained
Why do you think Anthony Weiner wants back in the game?

Surveilling reporters, don't ever forget it
I got so many AP docs you'd think I'm getting college credit
Yeah we're saving your searches, that's just a reality
"Yes We Can" ain't just a slogan it's our view on legality


I'll tell you this, sir, I greatly abhor
your violating the Constitution upon which you swore
and a full investigation is needed and more
You ever Google Justin Bieber pics?  I yield back the floor…

Look, this is not a big deal?  Why are you having a cow?
Look at all these innocent people we can focus on now?
Who cares about civil "rights?"  I mean, do we all really need em?
So you'll oppose the individual mandate?  Why do you hate freedom?

Look, with front-facing cameras our intel has grown
Look at the video we've collected from this year alone
This is outrageous, we should be able to use the bathroom freely!
Look just the other, wait, hello? Hi.  How'd you get this number?  Really?

Nothing is private anyway, we're posting on walls
So what's the big deal if the government is saving your calls?
We share our info with companies, this debate should be chilled
Everybody come quick!  A straw man has been killed!

So the next time you're up late and you're surfing your phone
Let me reassure you, girl, that you're not alone
But if you don't think the surveillance state is really ideal
Text yourself about it, let us know how you feel.


To read more of Reason's coverage on the NSA, visit https://reason.com/tags/nsa

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For all of Remy and Reason's collaborations, go here.