
More signs we're living in a Philip K. Dick novel: Jose Canseco pulled over for having diapered goats in his car.


This story is mostly for Matt Welch, who likes baseball, goats, and diapers (in that order, according to his Wikipedia page).

Former baseball slugger, Madonna boy toy, and steroid enthusiast Jose Canseco recently bought some goats, put diapers on them, and then…things got weird:

A couple hours after acquiring his new goats, Canseco was pulled over. 

Apparently, the officer got a kick out of Canseco's new animals in the backseat.

Read more here.

And if you care about the power of teh Interweb and the radical, non-filtered speech acts it enables, follow Canseco (the more admirable half of the Bash Brothers!) on Twitter.

Past episodes of "more signs we're living in a Philip K. Dick novel" include the strange case of Fetus-Free Pepsi, the creation of an online dating service built around Atlas Shrugged, the al Qaeda plot to kidnap the star of Cinderella Man, and of course the entire career of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Mandatory reading (unless you're already tripping balls on CAN-D and Perky Pat layouts): "Which Philip K. Dick Story Are We in Today?"