The Volokh Conspiracy

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Disaster Relief: Court Extends Filing Deadlines Due to "Global IT Outage"

|The Volokh Conspiracy |

From the Northern District of Illinois federal court's General Order 24-0021 today:

The court recognizes that the July 19, 2024 global IT outage creates great difficulty for litigants attempting to meet court deadlines. It is, therefore, HEREBY ORDERED THAT the date for filing of any orders, writs, process, pleadings, or other matters otherwise due or heretofore made returnable on July 19, 2024, is hereby extended and continued to Monday, July 22, 2024.

Makes sense to me. I expect that, even without such an order, courts would forgive delays under such circumstances, but it's always good for a court to acknowledge this up front. (I don't know whether this will help with statutory deadlines that affect a court's jurisdiction; if readers know the answer to that, please note it in the comments.)

Rumors that federal courts worried about the Y2K bug extended court deadlines to January 1, 1900 have no basis in fact.

C-00000291-00000000-00000032.sys delenda est.