The Volokh Conspiracy

Mostly law professors | Sometimes contrarian | Often libertarian | Always independent

Free Speech

"The Coddling of the American Mind" Movie

This is the film based on the bestselling book by FIRE's Greg Lukianoff and Prof. Jonathan Haidt (NYU).

|The Volokh Conspiracy |

I just watched the premiere here in Los Angeles, and I much enjoyed it; I found it thoughtful and touching. It's the first film that's being distributed on Substack, and you can find it here (the rental fee is $8). Highly recommended.

The film was produced by Courtney Moorehead Balaker (Little Pink House) and directed by Ted Balaker (Can We Take a Joke?), both of Korchula Productions. Note that I have at times consulted for FIRE, and with worked with them on various legal projects; I am of course not being paid for this post, nor was I asked to put it up.