The Volokh Conspiracy

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Britney Spears's New Attorney Clerked For Justice Souter on the NH Supreme Court

Yet, for reasons unknown, he scrubbed that line from his firm biography.

|The Volokh Conspiracy |

Over the weekend, there were several reports that Britney Spears had retained Mathew Rosengart, a partner at GreenbergTraurig. I checked his firm page, and noticed that he had clerked for Justice Souter on the New Hampshire Supreme Court. Today, it appears that Spears has in fact retained Rosengart. I checked Rosengart's firm page again–and the clerkship for Justice Souter is missing!

Here is the version of the page on the Internet Archive, circa yesterday, July 12:

And here is the version of the page today:

Rosengart also made other edits to his bio. I have no clue why he would scrub the reference to Justice Souter.

No, I never thought I would write a blog post with "Justice Souter" and "Britney Spears" in the headline.

Update: The Internet Archive does a side-by-side comparison: