The Volokh Conspiracy

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Volokh Conspiracy

A Round-Up of Posts in the Volokh Conspiracy Symposium on "Our American Story: The Search for a New National Narrative"

A listing with links to all the posts in the series.

|The Volokh Conspiracy |

Potomac Books/Univ. of Nebraska Press
(Potomac Books/Univ. of Nebraska Press)

The Volokh Conspiracy symposium on Our American Story: The Search for a Shared National Narrative, edited by Joshua Claybourn, has now concluded. I would like to thank all the contributors for their excellent posts, Joshua Claybourn for putting together this timely volume and extending to me the opportunity to be part of it, and Eugene Volokh for allowing us to do the symposium at the VC.

This post provides a list of links to all the earlier posts in the series:

1. Ilya Somin, "Introducing the Volokh Conspiracy Symposium on 'Our American Story: The Search for a New National Narrative.'"

2. Joshua Claybourn, "In Search of a Shared National Narrative."

3. Gerard N. Magliocca, "More Franklin, Less Jefferson."

4. Richard A. Epstein, "Prudent Minimalism: How to Forge a National Consensus."

5. Eleanor Clift, "America as a Social Movement."

6. Jason Kuznicki, "The Declension Narrative."

7. Ilya Somin, "Foot-Voting Nation."

8. Nikolas K. Gvosdev, "An American Community."

The book also includes contributions by many writers who did not participate in the VC symposium, including legal scholar Cass Sunstein, historian Gordon Wood (probably the leading historian of the American Founding), David Blight (author of major works on race, the Civil War, and Reconstruction), Jim Banks, Spencer P. Boyer, former Senator John C. Danforth, Cody Delistraty, Cherie Harder, Markos Moulitsas, Alan Taylor, James V. Wertsch, and Ali Wyne.