The Soho Forum Debates

Is Javier Milei Actually Improving Argentina?

Two Argentine pundits debate the success of Javier Milei.


Santiago Forster and Agustín Dante Rombolá debate the resolution, "Free market President Javier Milei of Argentina has been making tangible progress toward improving the Argentinian economy."

Taking the affirmative is Forster, a fellow at Fundación Rioplatense de Estudios, a South American think-tank dedicated to "spreading the principles of freedom, private initiative, free market, Rule of Law, and limited government." He is currently a student in International Business & International Affairs at Northeastern University, where he also serves as president of the LatAm Business Club.

Taking the negative is Rombolá, the founder of Kairos Global, an association that trains young people interested in becoming human rights activists. He is a member of the Argentine political party Unión Cívica Radical, where he serves as president of their youth branch, Juventud Radical.

The debate is moderated by Soho Forum director, Gene Epstein.